
Date Published: February 2024
Фонд Росконгресс, 09.01.2024 1 января 2024 г. Россия приняла эстафету председательства в БРИКС, которое согласно одобренному в августе прошлого года р...
Date Published: December 2023
The rapid growth of the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa (BRICS) alliance over the years has spearheaded a new engine for global economic growth...
Date Published: November 2023
Dr BE Nzimande, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Our continent finds itself in a fast and ever-changing global environment. Many ...
Date Published: October 2023
The South African BRICS Women’s Business Alliance in 2023 Achievements over the past three years.In July 2020, the Russian BRICS Chairship launch...
Date Published: October 2023
By Louise Leenen There is a global awareness and acknowledgement that the traditional concept of an economy has been transformed by increasing connec...
Date Published: October 2023
By DR Babalwa Siswana The New Development Bank (NDB) promotes sustainable development and infrastructure initiatives that are in line with NDB membe...
Date Published: October 2023
The South African BRICS Business Council – celebrating 10 years! During the past decade, the South African BRICS Business Council (SABBC), has largel...
Date Published: May 2023
Under the theme, BR/CS and Africa: Partnership for mutually accelerated growth, sustainable development, and inclusive multilateralism, the 15th BRICS...
Date Published: December 2022
BRICS deliberates on issues relevant for all developing countries and in that sense represents the voice of the developing world.
Date Published: September 2022
We, the participants of the BRICS academic process and members of the BRICS Think Council from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa attended ...
Date Published: April 2022
The meeting was hosted by China Council for BRICS Think-tank Cooperation (CCBTC), the Chinese coordinator for BRICS think tank cooperation, and organi...
Date Published: April 2022
We, the participants of the BRICS academic process and members of the BRICS Think Council from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa attended ...
Date Published: February 2022
Imagine there is a frog which is sitting in a pan full of water on a burning gas stove. The water is warming up and soon will start boiling. The frog ...
Date Published: August 2021
Observer Research Foundation and Research and Information Systems for Developing Countries. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be re...
Date Published: August 2021
Delegates from the five BRICS countries met online at the 13th BRICS Academic Forum in August 2021 and worked out the following conclusions and recomm...
Date Published: March 2021
From its very inception, the BRICS Think Tank Council (BTTC) has encouraged and supported many academic publications on topics of critical importance ...
Date Published: November 2020
At a time when the global system is in flux, BRICS members have found it relevant to continue to explore areas of cooperation, especially as the new w...
Date Published: November 2020
India’s aim in engaging with BRICS may be an effort to demonstrate that it retains strategic autonomy and that it engages with all major powers irresp...
Date Published: July 2020
RIC, BRICS and SCO will have the unenviable task of managing bilateral divergences, setting the future agenda and retaining relevance for its constitu...
Date Published: July 2020
BRICS and the SCO are a graphic embodiment of Russian and Indian equidistant partnerships with other non-Western power centres, which is fundamental f...