
Date Published: July 2020
BRICS and the SCO are a graphic embodiment of Russian and Indian equidistant partnerships with other non-Western power centres, which is fundamental f...
Date Published: June 2020
For most coalitions — and especially so when they involve developing countries — there are usually doomsayers predicting its premature death.
Date Published: May 2020
At the end of April 2020, the BRICS foreign ministers met via video conference in a meeting led by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in Russia’s...
Date Published: February 2020
No ano passado, em 2019, o BRICS completou dez anos, o que nos impulsionou a examinar amplamente suas conquistas, seu potencial para o futuro e as lim...
Date Published: February 2020
The report presents an analysis of the policies, current trends, barriers, common challenges and opportunities in women economic empowerment in the BR...
Date Published: February 2020
The substantial unrealized potential remains in the field of services trade, especially taking into account the growing digitalization of trade within...
Date Published: November 2019
The 11th BRICS summit concluded in Brazil on Friday with customary calls for strengthening multilateralism and reforming global institutions such as t...
Date Published: September 2019
As we approach the Second High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation (BAPA+40), a conference marking the 40th anniversary of the ...
Date Published: September 2019
The BRICS Academic Forum aims at strengthening networks of policy-oriented academics, as well as providing policy recommendations to governments. In 2...
Date Published: September 2019
The 11th BRICS (a grouping of five countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) summit was held on November 14, 2019 in Brasilia.
Date Published: August 2019
This paper theorises international relations using the perspective of an Indian classic, Kautilya’s Arthashastra, and employs such interpretation to c...
Date Published: February 2019
Как уже отмечалось выше, правовые системы стран-участ ниц БРИКС относятся к различным правовым семьям. Так, пра вопорядки Бразилии, Китая, России и от...
Date Published: February 2019
In 2018, South Africa hosted the BRICS chairship and 10th summit under the theme of “BRICS in Africa: Collaboration for Inclusive Growth and Shared Pr...
Date Published: November 2018
Many pockets in the world today are experiencing something that has not been seen for a long time. A sense of rising ‘populism’ is engulfing the key e...
Date Published: September 2018
The 10th BRICS Academic Forum, consisting of scholars from Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, took place on 28 – 31 May 2018 at Sandton C...
Date Published: July 2018
Byelongo Elisée Isheloke is a business economist, turnaround strategist and independent research consultant. He currently works as a postdoctoral rese...
Date Published: April 2018
This working paper results from the first phase of the research project on “Social Innovation and Higher Education in the BRICS” conducted by the Rese...
Date Published: October 2017
Over the years, many observers have expressed skepticism about the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) initiative – and skeptics wit...
Date Published: September 2017
India will have to learn the fine art of staring down the dragon to preserve its political space, while embracing China for some important economic op...
Date Published: September 2017
The challenge is to enable Islamabad to make a soft-landing rather than a crash that can have unpredictable consequence.