The Academic Forum has, on a number of occasions, been criticised as being ineective. Commentators, however, often fail to understand the purpose of this Track II channel. The academic brainstorming sessions are meant to generate ideas that challenge the conventional boundaries of diplomatic negotiations; ideas still important enough for the BRICS leaders to consider. As such, the translation of even one such idea into concrete results is a signicant achievement.
ED's Note
According to the 2017 Gallup/ Knight Foundation Survey on Trust, Media and Democracy, most Americans believe that 62% of the news they read in newspapers, see on television or hear on the radio is biased. If such scepticism exists in the “land of
freedom and democracy”, where the media is supposed to protect democracy, how much should we trust the media in the emerging world?
Technological advances have made it easier for people to connect with each other and to and information, including details about the major issues facing the country. But these advances present both challenges and opportunities for progress and wreaks havoc in our institutions and among South Africans.