Dated Published: August 2023


Dr Jin Xin; CCBT

I am honoured to be here today to hold such a successful academic forum. I would like to thank you all again for your warm and friendly hospitality. The South African events are very rich and colourful, and I am curious about the history of South Africa and its local culture. I feel the diversity of African culture. This shows the importance of innovation. China's global civilisation initiative is based on respect and protection of diversity. I found it very meaningful yesterday. Fortunately, last year, we held a forum. I don't have the opportunity to show Chinese traditional culture. But I am also thinking, if there was no epidemic last year, could China hold such a wonderful cultural and artistic event? But I believe that our host country, the next host country, Brazil, should also have a wonderful event. I think there will be some exciting activities because Brazil is a rich and diverse country. I hope our students in Brazil will not feel stressed.

In general, we can feel the efforts of our South African students.


We have also participated in many international student meetings. It is rare to see such a compact, rich and diverse event. So I would like to thank President Sala and the organisers of the meeting again. I have a few thoughts to share with you. I feel that this is a learning gathering that is selfless. The Five States is a learning environment. We do not forget the original intention of the foundation of the Golden Brick. We remember the mission of the foundation. In order to discuss the topics of cooperation, we should have honest exchanges. We may not discuss the same topics on every issue, including the issues we discussed at the conference two days ago. But through discussions, we have gained understanding, and we have reached consensus on many aspects of literature. and As Chairman Sarah has said, we all have a common goal, and we have successfully reached a common document. We will submit these documents to the leaders for reference. I feel that a common document cannot cover all areas. I have seen many forums, and many topics, which have many inspiring views. These views are not necessarily written in the different documents of the conference, but these documents are very meaningful to the world. of the members of the Military-Specialised National Archives Board met offline again. We felt the warm atmosphere. We promoted cooperation between the military-specialised national archives and reached a wide consensus. to 通过这次协议的交流,我们更加深信,对金砖合作而言,南非一年无疑将是丰收的一年. China and the United States are working together to build a strong international environment, promote international order, and develop in a more equitable and reasonable direction. After 15 years of development, the framework for cooperation has become very strong. It has become a positive force for the international cooperation. Unity is the foundation of the cooperation. Co-development is the motivation and goal of the cooperation. I have also noticed that in recent years, some Western media have been deliberately using China and and other developing countries. Many developing countries are still hoping that the Sino-Tibetan countries will play a leading role in development and other aspects to promote international order and fairness and to promote multilateralism. In fact, we have also persisted in the cooperation of the economic and trade countries over the years. The think tank has many functions. I think the think tank will have several functions.


The think tank is the producer of ideas and concepts.


It is also the promoter of policies, and the leader of public opinion, and is also a messenger of information. More importantly, after discussion and research, we need to find common ground in different areas, and become the catalyst for consensus.


I think that the five-nation think tank,


as well as the other development countries, and some other think tank friends are discussing this. Maybe the views are not exactly the same, but I think, as our colleagues have said, the research of the BTTC cannot be left to the leaders' push and implementation. The research of the BTTC must be forward-looking, and must be able to offer constructive suggestions and views to the leaders' meetings and summits, and the establishment of a development bank, the rapid storage mechanism of the financial institutions, and so on. All these initiatives are the result of the contribution of the financial institutions. Including the financial institutions' expansion, which you just mentioned, is an inevitable problem.


As a financial institution,


it should make some progressive deep-diving and the way of doing things, the procedures, the standards, and do some deep research on the potential. So, I think the research on the stock market should be open and diverse. More importantly, I think the stock market of the economic and financial countries should be a common point. We are five countries, all developed countries. China, welcome to the second half of the year, I would like to invite our friends to visit China. I especially recommend you to visit the Xiamen Jinzhuan New Revolutionary Partnership Base. In recent years, our Xiamen has also had comrades attending the annual meeting. We don't need such platforms. We will also establish such platforms to provide our support. Because such platforms can land in a specific country, in South Africa, but they belong to everyone. In fact, the initiatives of our five countries and the summit of leaders are all the results of our joint efforts. China is willing to continue to work with South Africa and other military partners to fully support the work of the President of South Africa and continue to uphold the spirit of open tolerance and cooperative sharing to actively expand pragmatic cooperation in all areas. I also wish the August meeting of the People's Liberation Army of China successfully concluded. I also wish the August meeting of the People's Liberation Army of China, which has successfully concluded. Thank you again.


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