BRICS Think Tanks Breakfast – Sustainable Development and Growth Agenda | Raisina Dialogue 2023

Dated Published: March 2023

Raisina Dialogue 2023 | The BRICS countries are in a unique position this year as the G20 will have three consecutive presidencies from the grouping—India, Brazil, and South Africa. The Indian G20 presidency's focus on 'Voices of the South' is also a main agenda item for the South African BRICS presidency this year. How do we take advantage of this rare opportunity to turn the global governance narrative into one that is more responsive to the needs of the developing world?

Can BRICS seize this development-first moment, or will geopolitics come in the way of a coherent approach? Has BRICS lived up to its potential as an alternative source of global norms and regulations than those developed in the G7 and Global North? If not, how can these three G20 presidencies be leveraged to do so? What are the BRICS success stories that can form the basis of significant and sustainable reforms?

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