Digital BRICS: A New Framework for Cooperation on Technology and Innovation

Dated Published: July 2021

The origin of BRICS was rooted in the immense potential of each of these countries as emerging market economies. In the Fourth Industrial Revolution, these countries have emerged as pathfinders in the global digital economy, some through their behemoth market size, others through innovative policies that seek to break the mold and challenge the domination of digital incumbents.

China has made significant strides digitising a broad range of essential services, Brazil’s Digital Transformation Strategy -- with the UN SDGs at its heart -- envisions government as the foundation of digital economic transformation, and Russia and India have both deployed ambitious nationwide biometric IDs.Are the BRICS countries equipped to handle the demand for “regulated evolution” of 4IR technologies? Can BRICS create mechanisms to share best practices and key lessons from their respective digital governance experiments? Can the group coordinate it's stances in key tech for development forums?

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